Welcome to Rohaan's website

Created alongside the my team:
The Soceity of the orange code

The Broad History of Climate change

Climate change has been a major problem for our day to day life since the industrial revolution, a time where air pollution made living near factories near impsossible for both humans
altough there have been many efforts to stop climate change, projects devoted to this cause don't recive enough funding, any change made to reverse the effects of climate change are returned to as they were in only a matter of weeks. Even so, the dedication put towards ending this curse to the existance of life by people like Mrbeast, Steve Irwin, Greta Thunberg and many others has inspired normal folk to stoping habits that may harm the enviroment

What we can do to help

Image from ©ibanplastic.com
Thus spreading the message to not only oher willing citizens, yet important people. Altough just becuase you particpate in such events, doesnt mean you can still hold on to habits that can ahrm the enviroment, small steps like these will surely cause a differnce you might not be aware of

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